Adult Baptism at the New Life Church
Before the Baptism
First, you will need to make a decision about how you would like to be baptized. There are three different ways of baptizing; dunking, pouring, and sprinkling. Each of these methods has a good Biblical basis and a long history of practice in the Christian Church.
Dunking symbolizes our dying to the old life and rising to the new. Pouring symbolizes the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Sprinkling symbolizes the sprinkling of blood to cover our sins, as was done in the Old Testament. Do you wish to be dunked under the water, have water poured over your head, or to be sprinkled? You will need to make a decision and then tell the pastor.

As much as possible, we try to hold baptisms in a public place. This was the custom in the New Testament. A public ceremony provides an opportunity for those outside of Christ to see Christians professing their faith. The River Jordan is a favourite location for baptisms for pilgrims to Israel, but any public place with water will do, such as a local river or local swimming baths.
It is good for you to fast prior to your baptism. This was the custom in the Early Church. They believed that baptism was not just a ceremony, it was a time to seek God's blessing and a special outpouring of His Spirit. They sought God's blessing by fasting and prayer. Likewise you should seek God and expect Him to do something special in your life through your baptism.

Since your baptism is an encounter with the Living God, we want to pray with you that that encounter would be life changing. Therefore, the pastor will meet with you (and the others being baptized) prior to the baptism ceremony for the purpose of praying for God's blessing.
The Baptism Service
We encourage you to give a brief word of testimony, so that believers can be encouraged in their faith and unbelievers can hear the good news of Jesus. This is not mandatory, but we would ask you to seriously consider telling people what Jesus has meant to you, since you have come to know Him.

If you are being dunked, the pastor will ask you to step into the water, you will be asked the baptism questions, and then you will be gently lowered into the water and raised again. The pastor will stand on one side of you and another person on the other side.
People who watch your baptism will be encouraged to clap and cheer as you are baptized. This is a celebration time -- a joyous occasion. We will probably sing a hymn or Scripture song to rejoice in your baptism.
The Baptism Questions
The questions which are asked of you will be a mini-gospel presentation: Are you a sinner? Are you willing to become Jesus' disciple? Is Jesus your Saviour? Is Jesus your Lord?

Here is an outline of the baptismal ceremony we use at the New Life Church:

Testimony (if any).

Elder: '
(Name) , do you admit that you are a sinner and in need of a saviour?'
Candidate: ' I do.&quot.'

Elder: '
(Name) , do you now promise with the power of the Holy Spirit to try to live as a follower of Jesus?'
Candidate: ' I do.'

Elder: '
(Name) , who is your saviour?'
Candidate: Jesus is my Saviour.'
Ellder: ' (Name) , who is your Lord?'
Candidate: 'Jesus is Lord.'

Elder: '
(Name) , I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.'

Clapping, cheering, and joyous praise.
What to Wear
We do not provide robes for baptizing. Wear regular clothing that you do not mind getting wet. If you are being dunked, please wear clothes that do not cling to your body when you come up out of the water.