Welcome to my 'Virtual Tour' of St Mary's church in Baldock.

The tour is quite simple to use. Simply point the cursor in the direction you want to go and click the left button on the mouse.

If you see something you want to take a closer look at simply click on it in the same way. To go back to where you were click again or use the 'Back' button.

Very often there are things of interest out of the range of the photograph, so very often it is worth clicking on the left or right edges of the photograph. Do this also to navigate the church.

If you want to know where you are, click on this icon
if there is one on the page.

Click on 'Back' to return to the picture.

If at any time you want to quit the tour, click on this icon:

Click on the photograph of St Mary's above to begin the tour.

Mr Christodoulou